Smoking in Hotels

During a recent hotel visit, as soon as I entered the room, I could smell a faint aroma of a cigarette smoke. I ordinarily might not have cared since it wasn’t a very strong aroma. But smoke impairs my respiratory system, even though at one time I was a smoker myself. But now, I cannot tolerate it.

Anyhow, I digress. I went down to the front desk to report the matter, and they found me another room. That’s only the second time in my life that I’ve requested a new room, and I’ve stayed in many hotels – many dozens of hotels both for work trips and for personal trips too. I’m not one of those incessant complainers. If I complain about something, you can best believe it’s surely something that is super bothersome to me. Cigarette smoke certainly is that.

Smoking is also a deal breaker when dating. No smoking. It’s not because I have a bias against a smoker. But the thing is, I would end up coughing and wheezing with burning eyes and difficulty breathing. If we’re hanging out in a park or some other outdoor venue, the smoke won’t bother me. Even short amounts of time around a smoker indoors wouldn’t bother me. But over time, the smell of the smoke in the person’s hair or clothes or in the couch or lingering around the room (like in that hotel room) would bother me. Smoke gets in my eyes (I don’t know what made me think of that old song, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, performed by many, but the most famous version is from The Platters.). Did you know that smoke can even get in the walls around a room? The homes of smokers tend to have nicotine-stained walls, which would be an irritant to eyes, nose, and lungs.  I have known of couples where one person smokes and the other does not. The smoker would go outside to smoke. That’s not good. I would never want to see my spouse go outside. I don’t think that’s fair. People should be able to sit on the couch at home and smoke while watching TV or whatever.  So, for that reason I won’t date a smoker.

As I think about it, I recall seeing people posting their vacation videos in hotel rooms while smoking, some of whom weren’t even trying to hide it. They smoke at the table or sitting on the side of the bed. They must not know the hotels use a 21st Century technology to detect smoke. More on that in a moment. They boldly light up, not just a typical, standard cigarettes; but I have also seen people light up a cigar, a Tiparillo, or an e-cigarette. Incidentally, most places with a smoke free law also include e-cigarettes in that prohibition. I don’t know how they keep the smoke aroma from seeping up or down or to the rooms next door or to the hallway.

Okay now, back to the story. While I was down at the front desk, as the front desk manager was looking for another room, she told me that most hotels nowadays use technology called FreshAir Sensor that detects the smoke. The device is either plugged into an electrical outlet like you would plug in a smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector, or you could have it hardwired. Once activated, it is connected to the hotel’s Wifi and connects to the cloud. According to the hotel manager, the device is also used by some rental properties with a no smoking policy as well as in some AirBnB locations. Some rental car companies use it too. The FreshAir Sensor logs the precise location, date, and time of the infraction; owners/managers know which guest was smoking and when. Evidently the devices are very sensitive and can tell the distinctive emissions from the smoke. I probed the lady for more. I wasn’t sure what she was trying to say. In other words, you can’t get away with trying to allege that the smoke was from a stove or an oven or that you burned your microwave popcorn. The smoke from food contains different ingredients and chemicals than the chemicals detected from smoking. Sorry Charly.

Hotels take smoking violations very seriously, not only because of the stench that’s left behind, but also because many jurisdictions have laws that prohibit smoking. Violators are charged a cleaning fee of $200 for first-time offenders at the particular Hilton where I stayed, sometimes more in swankier hotels. Violators might also face fines of hundreds of dollars from the municipality. The fine plus the hotel cleaning fees can be costly. Some hotels will also add you to its banned list, especially if you’re a repeat offender, which might get you banned from that particular location as well as a ban from all hotels if it’s a chain.

So, if you’re a smoker, just don’t do it in your hotel room. It’s not worth it. Go on outside.

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The Ka’Chava Craze: Does It Really Do That?

All the buzz has been on Ka’Chava. I have been seeing a lot of ads on social media, television, and in print magazines and newspapers. Yes, I do still read things the old fashioned way. Sometimes. All the testimonials I’ve heard and read about Ka’Chava were generally quite favorable, and the plethora of health benefits all seem plausible and realistic. Lots of worthwhile pros. I’ve seen a few cons too, but I thought I would still give it a chance. I took the plunge and ordered some. It was a bit pricey, and given the cost, I vowed at the time I placed my order, that I wouldn’t order it regularly.

I’m not new to meal replacement shakes and smoothies. I use Herbalife fairly regularly; it’s my go-to shake, second to the JJ Smith green smoothie detox shakes. I’ve had lots of success with both of them. Ka’Chava, though is allegedly better than them, because it’s (according to the product information) filled with plenty of natural, healthy nutrients, even though it’s twice as expensive as Herbalife. Ouch! The green smoothies I can make from scratch rather economically. But this Ka’Chava advertising sounded too good to pass up.

When I received my package, I was excited and eager to get started. I read the instructions and followed them exactly. I measured out the right amount of the product. I measured the right amount of water. I didn’t eyeball it like some people do (like I sometimes do) when following a recipe. Since it was my first time using it, I thought I would do exactly as the manufacturer suggested, and then I could modify it accordingly should I need to when making additional shakes. That was part of the directions on the package, to follow the directions precisely and make changes the next time.

When I made it, it looked so inviting. It was smooth and thick like a Dairy Queen shake. I know, I know. I shouldn’t be talking about Dairy Queen while having a conversation about healthy eating. But, it looked so luscious. The aroma was equally as inviting as its appearance. It smelled so chocolatey. I took my first sip, and it tasted as lovely as it looked and smelled. I’m telling you. It was good.  I sucked it down, and I felt like I was in heaven. I sang the lyrics, “Heaven, I’m in Heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.”  See the video at the end. Truer words were never spoken. Done deal.  I’m sold.

The day I placed my order, I read about some of the potential side effects. The information on the company website was forthcoming. I  never rely solely on the reviews supplied by the company that selling a product or service, though. I look for independent, third-party reviews too. I found some.  All of the third-party reviews and the reviews Ka’Chava posted on its site basically said the same thing. The reviews indicated that some people may have allergic reactions to some of the ingredients. I have never had any food allergies – thankfully – so I skipped past that information. I continued to read that some customers have experienced bloating, cramping, indigestion, gas, nausea, and diarrhea. I have seen similar potential side effects written about other products, but I never have experienced any of them . . . . . until now. I experienced all of these things, except for the diarrhea. It didn’t take long for me to begin feeling discomfort.

The Ka’Chava statements and the independent reviews all indicated that it’s common for people to experience such side effects due to the added fiber. I never thought that would be an issue for me, since I follow a vegan diet, mostly vegetarian diet, every day. So, that means I already am getting copious amounts of fiber every single day; consuming fiber should not be a shock to my body. But clearly my body was shocked. I’m not going to lie. I thought I was about to die. No, I’m not exaggerating. I have been known to embellish from time to time, especially when blogging. I’m a story-teller. Blogging is my story-telling platform. I want to make my messages interesting, so occasionally I have added a little fiction to my non-fiction sagas. But not about this. My account of what happened with Ka’Chava is 100% factually accurate.

Within approximately 15 minutes of finishing the shake, I started to feel the gas and the bloating and the nauseousness, and the cramping, and the overall discomfort. I even had trouble breathing. The more I inhaled, the more pain and cramping I felt in my chest and stomach. I couldn’t even talk without feeling discomfort. Those side effects continued for about an hour, though they became less severe around 20 minutes after they began. Based on the reviews I read online, it’s rare to experience these feelings. The few people who do experience discomfort generally characterized them nearly as I have described them here.

On a positive note, the rest of the afternoon left me feeling lucid and full of energy; I slept better that night than I slept in more than a year. These pros, much like the cons, all are listed on the company website. So, I can say without any mental reservation, that Ka’Chava lives up to all of its claims. Will I give it another try? Probably. I am always open and willing to give unfavorable food experiences a second chance.

Several years ago, my doctor informed me that stress can increase acid production in the stomach, which can increase the likelihood of acid reflux. He also told me that too little sleep or poor sleep quality can also contribute to it. What I felt was far more than just acid reflux. I’m just saying. So, who knows? Maybe I would have experienced those same side effects irrespective of what I ate or drank. That’s why I’m willing to give Ka’Chava another shot.

In closing, I’ll just say this – regardless what happens the second time around if I try it again, Ka’Chava definitely does what it’s supposed to do. It reminds me of an old consumer television segment I used to follow on NBC Washington (formerly WRCTV) titled, Does it Really Do That, which tested the claims of consumer products or services. Like the consumer advocate Liz Crenshaw (now retired) sometimes would say at the end, “Yes, it really does do that.”

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If you see something, say something

(c) i-stock photo 2022

That phrase has been around a long time. I’ve seen it on billboards, in tv ads, in magazines, on the radio, and in pubic announcements heard on public transit, in airports, and on Amtrak. I saw it on the front of a man’s tee shirt last summer. But what happens when you do say something?

I put it to the test when I saw an account on Instagram selling weapons, ammunition, and magazines. Some of the magazines were the extended type that exceeds the capacity that is  legally allowed in some places. The account’s dashboard boasts of quick shipment and assures discretion. I clicked the three dots on the profile to report the account to Instagram, choosing ‘Sale of Illegal or Regulated Goods’ as the reason. I selected Firearms from the listed items. Other regulated goods in the list include Fake health documents; Drugs; and Endangered animals. I reported that account and felt good about what I had done.

I sometimes wonder if many people take the time to report things. I’ve read that when people witness an accident, it’s a high percentage who don’t call 911. One of the many reasons why some people don’t report things is because they presumed someone else had already done it. Others don’t call because of their fear of law enforcement. Another reason is they don’t think the report will be taken seriously. That happened with a survivor of the serial killer Ted Bundy. A young woman in Florida, Kathy Kleiner Rubin, was fortunate enough to escape Bundy’s attack at her Florida State University sorority house. When she reported what happened, one of the officers was initially skeptical of her story; but he eventually was convinced she was authentic. Imagine how that must further destroy a victim if law enforcement doesn’t believe the report.

Anyhow, back to the story at hand. A few days after I reported that Instagram account, I received a reply, which read like an automated reply. To paraphrase, it basically said they receive a large volume of reports and that they don’t have enough personnel to review each one. So, that account I reported won’t be reviewed and won’t be taken down. The message also said the number of reports received about an account won’t impact their ability to review accounts. It went on to tell me how I can block the account so I won’t see it if I choose to do so.

This raises a question for me: if someone who isn’t legally allowed to purchase or own a weapon buys one via this shady process on Instagram, is there any legal liability on the part of Instagram? Of course, there is. After all, Instagram knew about it, or should have known about it had it reviewed the account. It made me feel as if it’s a waste of my time and energy to make a report.

Fast forward a few weeks, I happened upon an ATF website for reporting illegal actions involving firearms, explosives, violent crime, or arson. Selling firearms on Instagram is exactly the perfect thing to report via this site. I never knew about this reporting vehicle. They don’t do a good job of advertising it. They should take a lesson from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, a.k.a. IC3, for reporting victimization of internet-based crimes. I see that advertised multiple times per week online and offline. ATF needs to do better at advertising its site. Nonetheless, I found ATFs site and made my report, providing details about that account.

Did I do enough? Should I have done more? Is there something else I need to do? I don’t think I should be expected to do anything else. I suspect I did more than many people would have done. I’ll watch and wait to see if any action is taken. Who knows? Maybe it’s a bait account managed by the ATF or other federal, state or local law enforcement agency seeking to catch criminals. Regardless, I did my part, so I can sleep at night. Life goes on.

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Don’t Waste My Time

(c) Time Management Ninja 2022

One thing that some companies do that wastes everybody’s time is post job vacancies without specifying the salary. Even a salary range would help, but most companies don’t even do that. Often, they post something about salary being commensurate with experience. But it’s not often that anything more specific than that is included. Even when they post the job through a recruiter, salary is kept hidden. That’s weird to me. Some people go ahead and apply anyway, not knowing the available salary, thinking they can negotiate a desirable salary once the job is offered. An associate of mine whom I’ll call Jasper did just that recently with an accounting firm in Alexandria, Virginia.

Jasper saw a job posting on a popular Internet site commonly used for job postings. He thought the desired competencies described his background perfectly. He possessed the adequate education and experience, he completed a certification program in accounting from Cornell University, and has more than the number of years requested in the job vacancy. Jasper thought, “This job was posted just for me.” Even the ‘Preferred but Not Required’ section of the job asked for competencies that Jasper possessed, especially work experience in each of these different work settings (e.g., experience in public, private, for profit and non-profit); that job was calling Jasper’s name. Jasper had worked in organizations big and small in all of those areas. So he applied.

After several weeks had passed, Jasper was called for an interview via Microsoft Teams. He took time to prepare by reviewing the vacancy announcement and crafting examples of his background that addressed each of the competencies noted in the announcement. He killed it. After another couple of weeks went by, Jasper was scheduled for a second interview. Again, he shined brightly. Guess what? They offered him the job. Jasper was ecstatic. But when it came down to discussing salary, the company offered him approximately $10k less than what he was willing to accept. His salary was $79k, and he felt he was already being under paid. Others with comparable background and experience are pulling in $90k.

After the HR manager waffled for a while, the offer was upped to $81k. That still was not satisfactory to Jasper. During the salary discussion, he highlighted some of what he discussed during the interview, including his degree, the various experiences, meeting all of the required as well as the preferred competencies, and the updated certification that he received within the last year. The company went up again, to $81.5k. The HR manager said matter-of-factly that it would be the final offer. Jasper realized it was a stale mate. From the company’s perspective, it was checkmate. So, Jasper eventually declined the offer.

I understand why companies don’t want to include a specific dollar amount. They don’t want to overpay someone. But if a salary range had been included, Jasper wouldn’t have bothered applying. HR departments are overworked. Listing a salary might prevent a percentage of people from applying. That would free up the time of the HR specialists who would be reviewing the applications.

Jasper’s time was wasted, as well as the time of the interviewers — both sets of interviewers, as there were different people each time. As someone who frequently sits on interview panels, it’s a time consuming process. Furthermore, it can throw a wrench into the application process; when someone declines and you go to the 2nd or 3rd person on the list when the first person has declined, the other people sometimes are no longer available.

I have been that person they have gone to when the primary person declined, and I turned the job down. That happens a lot. People either found a better opportunity or they find out something about the position or about the work environment that made them change their mind about working there. The latter is what happened to me when I declined.

As clunky as it is with government job application processes, the good thing is you almost always know the salary or salary range. Once the offer is made, you can negotiate your specific salary within that range. Private industry should consider including a range too. A few private industry employers include a range, but it’s rare, from my anecdotal observation. Including it  prevents the company from over committing with an excessive salary and applicants will apply knowing that the salary they’ll get is acceptable. Posting the salary is win-win for the company and for the applicant. Like Usher said, Don’t waste my time.



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Healthy Hump Day: Part Five

Today is the beginning of a new detox diet. Generally when I detox, I like to follow the JJ Smith 10-day green smoothie cleanse. It’s amazing. Go read about it here, if you like. It’s quick and easy, and most importantly, effective.

This time around, in between my smoothies – rather than smoothies for all of my meals – I’m having salads. Regular salads, kale salads, bean salads, rice and corn salads, and whatever else I can think of. Salads are so wonderful. When it comes to salads, you’re only limited by your imagination. A bean salad sitting on top of a traditional green salad is wonderful too, or you can have each one by itself.

The thing I like most about a salad is it’s a high fiber meal that is also low in fat and calories. . . provided you don’t drown it in creamy, oily, and high sodium dressings. You can make your own dressing in a few minutes and store it in the fridge for several days.

1 Net Carb Tortilla 24-Count Bag

If you want to really switch it up, wrap your salad inside a tortillas. That’ll help stretch your salad for an extra day or two. I prefer the Mr. Tortilla as my go-to brand. They are only 15 calories for each one, and they are low in carbs, sodium, fats, and cholesterol. You can eat that as-is, or top it with some salsa or taco sauce.

This time around, I’m just eating the salad. Salad is my friend, and I enjoy it in a variety of ways. It’s a refreshing way to enjoy a meal. In case you don’t know, you can eat a salad for breakfast too. Don’t get stuck thinking of meals in a stereotypical way. Be open to eating a kale salad for breakfast just like you might eat for lunch or dinner. Let a salad be your friend too just like I do. You’ll thank me later.


Healthy Hump Day: Part One

Healthy Hump Day: Part Two

Healthy Hump Day: Part Three

Healthy Hump Day: Part Four

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The Little Gray Fox, Again

I’m going to have to invest in some pepper spray. This morning I walked outside and saw a wild fox walking around. It’s the third time since February that I’ve seen one near my house. I wrote about it before in an article titled, The Little Gray Fox.  I was in my car the last two times. Fortunately, the one this morning ran off when it saw me.

Back in April, a fox on the Capitol grounds attacked several people, including California Congressman Ami Bera, biting his leg. That fox was captured and determined to be rabid and was humanely extinguished. As more contractors are clearing out woods and developing land for homes and businesses, animals are being displaced.

There are instances of coyotes in the area too. Experts say coyotes pose little threat to humans. Whatever. That’s like people who tell you their dog won’t bite. Like my daddy always said, if a dog has teeth, it can bite you. lol   The same is true for a coyote.  A cannister of pepper spray is good protection, not just for animals but for people too. I had one several years ago that was compact and attached to my key ring. That gives you easy access to it.

The law is fickle, though. In DC, anybody at any age can legally buy or possess pepper spray. DC used to require you to register pepper spray. Now, the law only restricts the type you can use, re: its contents. In Maryland and Virginia, minors are prohibited from buying or possessing it. What’s to stop kids from crossing into DC to buy it? That makes me think back to when I was 19 years old.  The laws were inconsistent about buying alcohol too. You had to be 21 to buy liquor in each of the three jurisdictions. But at that time, an 18-year-old could legally buy beer and wine in Maryland. So, there were instances of kids coming into Maryland to get their drink on. At some point years after that, there was a national standard of 21 in all jurisdictions nationwide to buy alcohol, after Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act. It required states – indirectly – to incorporate this standard for alcohol sales on condition of continued receipt of state highway funds. Having consistent laws nationwide makes it better for everybody.

That’s why it can cause confusion about pepper spray laws and age limitations. They are different. Here’s something else that is different. In many places, persons can have unfettered possession of pepper spray. In Maryland, users may be required to demonstrate they have a bona fide need as a “reasonable precaution against an anticipated threat to their safety.” In most of the jurisdictions around where I live, I don’t think it would be a problem proving that. Violent crime has been on the rise lately. That alone is reason enough to carry pepper spray. It also works on animals.


(c) Stock Photo 2022

While watching a training video on proper use of pepper spray on animals, as expected, I saw a wild wolf become very agitated. Even a wolf that’s relaxed and docile is huge and looks very menacing. An angry wolf is a force to be reckoned with. So, make sure if you ever use some on animals prowling around you, get the heck away while they are disabled. The discomfort won’t last for long, and they will be meaner than a junk yard dog when it wears off, to borrow from the lyrics of the song, Bad, bad, Leroy Brown. Like I often do, let me share that song here. I promise, I don’t plan on that happening. The focus of the message always randomly leads to certain songs. Truly. The song isn’t really relevant to this post. Its a cool song, and I just happen to like it.

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The Woman King: My Review

The Woman King

(c) Sony Pictures Entertainment 2022

I went to see The Woman King this past Saturday. It was the first time I had gone to the theater in a long time. I’m glad that I went. Here are my two cents about the film. There are a couple of spoilers in this write-up, so stop reading here if you don’t want to read them.

Nanisca, the name of the woman king’s character in the movie, was the leader of the Agojie warriors. The movie was superbly done. The filmmakers did a nice job intermingling historical facts with creativity and poetic license, resulting in a fabulous work of art. The costumes, the acting, and the interaction among the characters added great value to the film. One thing that always helps draw me into a movie is the music, and this one didn’t disappoint. I went home Saturday evening and downloaded it via Apple Music. The soundtrack, produced by the talented Terrence Blanchard, is 1 hour and 23 minutes of great sounds. The music was the perfect accompaniment to the movie. The writers also did a nice job of including touches of humor throughout this dramatic film. Very well done.

I was sorry to see the character Igozie killed during a battle near the end. She was a huge staple in the plot and an important member of Nanisca’s tribe. It was a surprise to learn that one of the warriors, Nawi, was the woman king’s daughter that she had given given up many years earlier. That was a moving reunion and was shocking to Nanisca, to Nawi, and to viewers as well.

Additionally, the movie provided an element of education for me too. While I was somewhat familiar with the story of the women warriors, I never realized their connection to the slave trade. After seeing that addressed in the movie, it inspired me to do further research on this topic. Hooray for Hollywood for being more than just entertainment. Hollywood can teach too.

At the end, the audience gave a round of applause. I always found that odd, for applause is meant to show the performers how much you appreciate them. But with a movie, they aren’t there to see or hear it. But, whatever. It was a wonderful film. I recommend it fully and wholly. Go see it.



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Be Kind On Purpose, Be Kind With A Purpose

BE KIND - Inspirational & Motivational Video - YouTube

If you are like me, you may like doing nice things for others. It’s also sweet to receive nice things too. Some people will tell you it’s better to give than to receive. I say, on the other hand, both giving and receiving are equally as wonderful. When you give, though, make sure the recipient would view your actions as helpful. This email I received from Amazon moving up my delivery date made me think about this. This present instance is fine. I’m okay with it arriving early.  I’ve had at least one occasion in the past in which a company changed the delivery date, and it wasn’t good for me.

Once I placed an order with a vendor. I think it was Under Armour, but don’t quote me. I selected the delivery window that was the furthest out. I was planning out-of-town trip, and I didn’t want the package sitting on my welcome mat for three days while I was gone. That can attract not only thieves who might steal the package, but it also might signal to burglars that nobody is home. I chose the day after I was to return home as my delivery date. Even though the date I picked had a shipping cost that was the least expensive, money wasn’t my motivation for this shipment.

Later that night after I placed my order, I received an email with “Good News” in the subject line. When I opened the message, I realized the company was advising me my package would be delivered three days early, and I wouldn’t be charged any extra shipping costs. That would be really good news, if I weren’t going to be away. That wasn’t good news to me. The thing I wanted to prevent was getting ready to happen anyway; the package would be delivered while I was away. The company thought they were being helpful to me, but it wasn’t helpful to me at all. I contacted UPS and flagged it to be held for pick up. I swung by and grabbed my package when I got back in town.

People do that in their interactions with one another; it’s not something limited to businesses. Some people may do this or that for someone, thinking what they are doing will be well-received. Few people ask if it would be helpful. They unilaterally decide what they will do without consulting you. If that company had asked me, I would have told them to leave the delivery date I chose as-is.

Keep that in mind if you decide you’re going to help someone. It’s not about you. It’s about the person you’re helping.

The song, Just Be Good to Me comes to mind. Get into it:

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Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part 14

The “Stop on a dime.” idiom has lots of utility for this article, more so than Part 13. As much as we live our lives and try not to allow other people to rock our boat, there’s always a rotten apple in the bag. People like to say how one monkey won’t stop a show (see video at the end). That’s not always true.

I was on the train headed home after work yesterday and saw two young women talking and laughing and enjoying life. An odd little man standing nearby, not doing anything in particular, except talking to himself. That he was talking to himself isn’t what makes me call him odd. I talk to myself sometimes. Many people I know do. It’s a common thing. Self-talk is helpful for people to sort out problems or potential conflicts they expect to face. I don’t know what made me say he was odd. Maybe it was the way his eyes darted all over the place, like when the optometrist tells you to follow her finger with your eyes as she moves it up and down and left and right and in a circle. This man was doing that while standing there. He wasn’t particularly obvious. I was probably the only person who even noticed. Had I been playing games on my phone like I usually do during my commute, I wouldn’t have noticed. Nosy me. The two women didn’t notice him, as they continued to laugh and talk. They were having a good time.

Then suddenly that man screamed at them, asking why they were laughing at him. He called them some foul words and left the train. You can easily tell those women were shocked, scared, and weren’t in the same jovial mood they were in just seconds earlier. I gave them some comforting words, and told them to try not to be spooked by that man. Obviously they weren’t laughing at him. But his self-consciousness made him think that they were. The women’s mood tanked instantly, on a dime. My words of comfort didn’t instantly put them back in the good place where they were. I don’t think it would for anyone. I know for myself, I would have felt out of kilter for a while, probably for the remainder of the day.

The women thanked me for trying to comfort them. I don’t think I did a very good job of it. But I think they thanked me for the effort I made, successful or not. That’s what I mean when I say, “Never miss an opportunity to be someone’s blessing.”  Even when your attempts to be good should fail, the journey towards that goal should be recognized. That was my trying to be a blessing to them to ease their tension and obvious anxiety that man had caused them. We exited at the same station, and they asked me to walk them to their car. They were still a little unsettled by the ordeal. 

 We parted ways, and they thanked me again. I could have said nothing and pretended I was oblivious to what happened, like all the other nearby passengers did. They all looked away, acting as if they didn’t see it play out. But I thought about my mom or my sister and would hope someone would have been there for them under these circumstances. A little kindness goes a long way. It’s so easy to do. Be a blessing to be blessed.

That phrase, ‘One monkey don’t stop no show.” reminds me of that old song (well there were several artists who recorded it, different songs with the same title), from Bette Midler to The Goodie Mob. But the one I like best was recorded by Honey Cone. None of the lyrics pertain to this article. I just like it.

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part One

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Two

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Three

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Four

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Five

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Six

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Seven

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Eight

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Nine

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Ten

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Eleven

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Twelve

Be A Blessing to Be Blessed: Part Thirteen

Season of Gratitude

The Color of Temptation

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Healthy Hump Day: Part Four

Wimpy always cleans his plate. (Image is in the public domain)

Today is Healthy Hump Day. Let me start by saying how hard it is to remain consistent with health, fitness, and nutrition goals. I have written about that before in articles titled Healthy Hump Day: Part One, Healthy Hump Day: Part Two, Healthy Hump Day: Part Three, and some others. I’m super aware how hard it is to stay focused. I’ll be the first to say that, even though I try to remain on track most of the time. That is true with my diet as well as exercise.

Baby steps. That’s how I keep it together. I track meals and do my meal prep. In addition, if I can’t get in my workout for a full hour, I do what I can, when and where I can. I might do a short 20 minutes of cardio 2-3 times during the day or 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening or whenever I can do it during the day. Even a short brisk walk can do wonders. People do that at work. Several floors in the building make a complete circle, well it’s actually a square. One cycle around is a half mile. I also walk up and down the stairs during the day too. I also have a stand-up desk. I stand up multiple times during the day and stretch and do arm scissors and arm circles. It’s not all or nothing with me. I won’t forgo it altogether if I cannot do a complete workout. If I can only get in 30 minutes for the whole day, then I’ll do it.

One of the best things I do is recognize that it’s alright to snack. I’m not even talking about healthy snacking. For me, if I am too strict about eliminating my favorite snack foods, I crave them even more, sometimes causing me to over indulge. One of my favorite snacks is Kettle Chips. I’m not talking about knock offs, that call themselves Kettle Cooked Chips, such as is offered by brands such as Cape Cod, Lay’s, and Herr’s. There are other brands too. Those all are alright, I suppose. But I will always prefer the real, bona fide, Kettle Brand Chips. I especially prefer the regular, Sea Salt flavored variety. There’s no comparison, It has a fabulous flavor, amazing crispness, and the perfect amount of saltiness. It’s vegan too. If you stray away from the regular chip, some of the other flavors aren’t so vegan. There is more to vegan eating than only having a salad. The Ranch flavor contains cream, and the New York Cheddar flavor contains milk, cream, and of course, cheese. The Sea Salt only contains potatoes, vegetable oil, and salt, sea salt. So, I don’t feel guilty about snacking on that one. Besides, the Kettle Company describes itself on its website as being a little extra (which means over the top, excessive). I identify with the extra label for my own life; I’m very extra, so I don’t mind patronizing a product that’s billed as such.

Here’s another thing about snacking. If you enjoy, say Fig Newtons, I recommend not going for the low fat or light ones. I find that those aren’t as fulfilling, and you might end up eating more than you should. Get the regular ones, and just be mindful of portion sizes. That will be more satisfying.

So, I have strayed too far from my initial point, beyond talking about it being okay to snack. The point is to address the healthy side of snacking. I always portion out my snacks, such as chips. When I bring them home (or should I say when I have them delivered, since I don’t go to brick and mortar supermarkets any more, not in the last two years), I separate out a portion into little baggies. That helps me to always know how much I am eating. When you eat things like chips, it’s very easy to eat too much and before you realize it, the whole bag is gone. Another important tip I follow is, I don’t eat what the packaging indicates is a single serving. A single serving is about 13 chips. When I separate out my servings, I count out 10. That saves me about 40 calories. That may not seem like much to you, but over the span of a day, it adds up. I often eat less than a specified serving.

You have to find the niche that works for you. That’s how I get my groove on with my dietary goals. Like I said in the beginning, it isn’t easy. So, every little trick I can think of, that’s what I’m gonna do. It’s working, so I won’t fight it. Speaking of getting in “yo” groove, take time to vibe to this Prince joint.

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